How to obtain a Maine Coon Cat in Hong Kong : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have recently moved to live in an island near Hong Kong and would like to get in touch with breeders here.

Do you have any details that might be of assistance?

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2000


I would look up the websites of some of the big cat associations such as the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), The International Cat Association (TICA) and FiFe and send them e-mails to ask them for the addresses of their local branches in Hong Kong. They could then put you in touch with breeders in your area.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2000

There are several Maine Coon breeders in Japan: one of them is

Minako Kiyomiya, Kitamoto, Japan, 81 485 91 7609

I'd like to recommend all the New Zealand breeders (all three of them!) who are working from really good lines. I have a gorgeous, quintessential, and personality-filled cat from one. They send cats to Australia not infrequently-- specifically Liz Hamblyn (Grandmanner Maine Coons, bred my kitten, recommended) and Zena Pigden (also recommended). You can contact them via the Maine Coon mailing list on, from the mailing list.

If Maine Coons are your ideal...sometimes cats in other parts of the world look very odd. Here in NZ all the moggie cats have either a British Shorthair roundness to them, or an odd, foxy face, or an almost bear-like mein.

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000

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