Gold : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I've seen a lot of speculation on the gold market since I gave my prediction earlier. Based on the cycles that don't lie, gold's bounce will not take place until later in the month. What will trigger it? I don't know, but something will as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. Also, stock enthusiasts; follow the little $12 stock (PTIS) and see if I'm not correct that it breaks upward from the short channel it is in now. Once it breaks (within 5 days), it will grind upward for at least a month. Profit from the Prophet now and later.

-- Just John (, January 02, 2000


The trigger for the gold rise will be the threshold event being reported in the mainstream media. This event is predicted by the CCS working group to have a 80% chance of occuring before Jan 25. See previous post (way down there now). The thing about denial on this scale is that when it breaks, it don't just crack, it shatters. On a personal and group level, the stresses inherent in the denial state are inherently britle by nature. The CCS working group document shows the snowball breaking through to mass consciousness in the 20th to 25th range if the severity of the problems thus far experienced are indiciative of the general trend.

pliney, watching the pyroclast

-- pliney the younger (, January 02, 2000.

John, I pulled up the gold chart and traced it like you said in your earlier post. That was eerie in the way it correlated and I can see why you predict as you do. I know it's not as simple as you say or it would have been discovered by the masses long ago. Gann's discoveries were difficult to decipher and I know you're not telling all; but I am definitely going to test your calls.

-- Don O'Kelly (, January 02, 2000.

Do you want to make money in the market ??? This is the stock to watch. This is the future and it is just breaking ground on the commercial level. Check it out, read up on it and sit back and watch. It has been posted here before so I have to give prior posting credit (can't remember who posted it).

Anyway, I'm not saying that I advocate it, I'm just saying you should watch it. Invest as you will. Flame away if you must.

-- Rob (, January 02, 2000.

John: PTIS is being bought out...@ $12.50 per share

Oerlikon-Buhrle to buy Plasma-Therm for $150 mln

MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1999 2:21 PM - Reuters

NEW YORK, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Swiss technology group Oerlikon-Buhrle Holding AG (S:OEBZn) will buy Plasma-Therm Inc. (NASDAQ:PTIS) for $150 million in a cash tender offer, the companies said in a joint release on Monday.

The tender offer is to begin within five business days at a price of $12.50 for each share of Plasma-Therm, which makes equipment critical to the chip etching process in the semiconductor industry.

The tender offer, which has been approved by the boards of both companies, is expected to be completed by early February 2000.

On Monday, shares of Plasma-Therm, based in Petersburg, Fla., were trading up 2-7/16 at 11-13/16.

"The acquisition of Plasma-Therm will establish (Oerlikon-Buhrle) as a one-stop shop and reinforce its position as a leading systems supplier for the semiconductor industry," said Oerlikon-Buhrle Chairman and Chief Executive Willy Kissling.

((New York Newsroom 212-859-1700))

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PTIS 12 1/4 n/a

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-- ejj (, January 02, 2000.

Here's an interesting company, I think they do research on vaccines based on reptile research or something like that. Check them out! The CEO is supposed to be a G.I.

-- buylowsellhigh (greed@is.good), January 03, 2000.

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