Ditigal Image Management

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Just starting to collect digital images from scans and digital camera and was wondering about any useful programs to manage all of the digital images. A database of some sort with a searchable index, that also provides a thumbnail of the image? Thanks Gary

-- Gary Kodani (gkodani@cwo.com), January 04, 2000


Hi Gary, et al:
I recently received a trial copy of a new program from INBIT called Image 123. I have been a user of their Full Shot screen capture program (invaluable for documentation!) for some time.
Image 123 is a cataloging, indexing engine for digital images. I installed it and gave it a whirl.
Currently I don't thinks it's quite worth the price - but this company has a great history of improving their products to a very high degree of usability. My cataloging needs are minimal so I'm not going to purchase right now.
You can download a free trial from .
It does thumbnails, indexing, etc - and it may well fit your needs exactly.


-- Dan Desjardins (
dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), January 04, 2000.

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