Where to get the tapes?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Is through the website/1-800-number the only way to get these tapes? I'd rather just traipse out to a local store than wait for the to arrive in the mail. (I'm in Austin, btw.)


-- Anonymous, January 04, 2000


I'm guessing you're talking about Tae-Bo. Well, I think the only way to get the Advanced Live series is through the site or the #800, but I know Wal-Mart has some kind of tape combo deal. I can't remember exactly what's on it, but I'm pretty sure it has the intro and the basic 30 minute workout at the very least. You might want to check Blockbuster, too.

If you weren't talking about Tae-Bo, then forget everything I just said. I mean, how would I know where to get those stupid tapes anyhow?

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2000

Whoops! My bad. I did forget to mention I was referring to Tae-bo tapes.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

I believe you can buy a two-tape pack at Target also. However, I've only seen the four-tape pack via the phone number. The two-tape pack has the instructional and basic videos. The four-pack has those two, plus an advanced workout and an 8-minute workout. You'll love Tae-Bo, just ignore the cheesy music and play your own CDs once you've got the moves down.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

Thanks for the responses, Andy and Lisa!

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

I got the four-tape TaeBo set from amazon.com in December... the savings from the www.taebo.com price was enough that I ordered Billy's book too...

Do you know that if you misspell Tae Bo with an "I" instead of an "E" when you type the URL you end up at the homepage for the Adult Internet Business Organization... I didn't explore any further to find out exactly what that means, but I can guess...

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2000

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