Did Gary North say jan 1,2000 was the day the earth stood still. He was right ...we stood still in fear only.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

How many for self preservation reasons would monitor Gary and other sites to see if 9-9-99 gps problem or other dates hits. Did you get 5000 watt generators, 2 years food, 50 gallon buckets. Do you think you need all that stuff or is fear the best motivator of all. There are still people who are trying to sell you fear. Preachers, y2k salesman. stock market analysist... many more. Control is key word. Time to think with some logic in preps. Some of this has been way overboard... and it keeps on coming. I am tired.. fun of this about over or need to get a life... maybe we all do.

-- its about our sanity (itsabouttime@its about space.com), January 05, 2000


Go away.

-- Liz (lizpavek@hotmail.com), January 05, 2000.

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