
greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Toilet Paper Chonicles: Gallows Humor from the Y2k Underground : One Thread

Anybody here know of a humane way to rid my basement of mice?

-- two cards (short@of.adeck), January 06, 2000



-- Hatti (klavine@tco.com), January 07, 2000.

Mothballs in your basement will do the trick.

Mice hate them!

-- cgbg jr (cgbgjr@webtv.net), January 07, 2000.

Hi Hatti,

Sorry that it took me a couple of days to get back to you.

I can't do the cats because it just doesn't seem humane to me. If the cats did their jobs invisibly, O.K. But, I have horrible visions of stumbling across little pieces of "mice pelts.' Plus, I don't understand cats.

Mothballs? How? How many? Open the package and strew them out like confetti? I don't understand mothballs either. Maybe John Travolta and the introduction of polyester liesure suits is the reason for my ignorance.

-- two cards (short@of.adeck), January 07, 2000.

Dogs??? Ours love to sink their teeth into fat little mice pelts :)

-- justme (justme@myhouse.com), January 08, 2000.

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