comfort things : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

What sorts of comfort things do you need when you're really sick? And is there a reason?

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000


It always makes me feel better to have a sleepy dog lounge around next to me as I convalesce. They don't care how nasty you look or feel, and they're not going to catch it.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

A big down comforter, the remote, my dog(to snuggle), the phone(to whine to either my husband or my mother, whoever will take my pathetic calls), and my favorite pillow.

I also like sprite, chicken noodle soup and crackers, because that's what my mommy use to give me.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

chocolate ice cream. and lots of it.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

my big fleece blanket and my ten year old university of north carolina sweatshirt that used to be blue but is gray now.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

Creamy things... pudding (chocolate), oatmeal, cream of fill-in-the- blank soups. It's not because of an upset stomach, because I'll eat almost anything, sick or not sick. I just feel like having creamy things when I am sick.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

My boyfriend. For bringing me anything I want, and providing me with sympathetic cuddles. Icy poles, because, no matter how ill I feel, I can always eat them.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

*Soup!!!!* And my boyfriend. And my down comforter. And his really, *really* comfy couch... So, curled up on the couch, huddled in the comforter, snuggled with Michael (well, not too close so he won't get sick, too), eating soup -- yay! :>

And, actually, that's what I'm doing tonight because *I'm* getting sick... :<

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000

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