The poor lawyers................................. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I understand that lawyers are upset there haven't been more y2k failures reported. Now, we are hearing this was all a hoax by programmers and companies to make billions of dollars. If there would have been a y2k crash, they might be lynching programmers now. Maybe it's better that the failures are not reported.

I am one of the programmers who worked my butt off fixing this stuff. A very boring and tedious job for which I did not make a dime more than my normal pay, while all of the new exciting work was frozen. No, I don't have a Swiss bank account, and I don't know a single person who made anything off of this and I worked on one of the largest y2k projects in the world.

-- billy d (, January 09, 2000


Does this mean that we'll be seeing TV ads by lawyers trying to drum up business they way they do with car accidents? Oh please no!


-- Wildweasel (, January 09, 2000.

"I understand that lawyers are upset..." -- I am a lawyer. I'm not upset. I have not heard of any lawyers who are upset. I was a quasi- doomer and glad that my fears were unfounded. Thank you and your fellow programmers for your efforts. Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

-- Will (, January 09, 2000.

Sorry Will, but I *especially* hate 'em when I need 'em.

Nothing personal.

-- JIT (, January 09, 2000.


Since I seldom get the chance to say this, I just want to let you know that I love lawyers. I like them much better than most doctors, and I think they deserve every penny they earn. Of course there are some rotten apples in every profession, but I think the bad rap you guys get is unjustified. In these days when it seems that just about everyone wants to take away what we've got, including our rights and freedoms, I'm damn glad to know you're here.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), January 09, 2000.

---Will--Great Addy! need a joke pic made up, post it someplace we can see it! Like those doods who slop water on your windshield then hold ya up for a bill! Those sign guys at the intersections! Love it!

zoggus< P>here's some fer ya!

  • ain'tgotno@money.folding.coin
  • carpettoohigh@osha.regs
  • ceenote@buildinginspector.longlunch

    -- zog (, January 09, 2000.

  • Q: How can you tell that a lawyer is feeling cold?

    A: He's got his hands in his own pockets.

    Q: When a lawyer dies, why do they dig the grave 12 feet deep?

    A: Because deep down they're not bad guys.

    -- Malcolm Taylor (, January 09, 2000.

    Maybe the greedhead lawyers will perform a valuable public service by eventually outing the truth about y2k...Oh and a lawyer friend gave me this joke to contribute:

    What's the difference between a groundfish and a lawyer?

    One a mud sucking scumsucker.....

    and the onther one's a fish...

    -- (, January 10, 2000.

    My typing sucks....

    -- Carl Jenkins (, January 10, 2000.

     three men were fishing in a boat: An engineer, a doctor and a lawyer. Their conversation turned to the oldest profession.

    The oldest profession must be medicine, said the doctor, because God was a surgeon when he took a rib from Adam and created Eve. Surgery.

    No. It must be engineering because God engineered the whole universe from chaos, said the engineer.

    You are full of shift, said the lawyer, who do you think created the chaos?

    -- Destroid Biliars (victim@lawyer.horde), January 10, 2000.

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