Mechanical problems with Super Chromega D : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I recently bought this Omega enlarger from a guy across town. I don't remember exactly how, but as we were removing the chassis from the baseboard to transport it, the lamphouse assembly ended up climbing to the top of the track. The problem is that it's now stuck in that position; the bottom crossbar of the liftlever assembly is hanging up on the very top of the chassis.

I've disassembled the lift lever to remount it on the lamphouse in a lower position on the chassis, but the fit was too tight.

It seems to me like a long shot, but is anyone familiar with this situation? Does anyone have contact information for Omega? Thanks to all.

-- Benjamin Williamson (, January 10, 2000


I tried to bring up the Omega Satter web site at but it doesnt answer. Here is another one that might have suggestions:

-- Tony Brent (, January 11, 2000.

This has happened to everyone who has ever tried to lift a 4x5 Omega. There are two black plastic wheels that guide the head up the rails. They have to be somehow pushed to the inside of the rails so the pressure is loosened. Then you should be able to crank the head down below the top cross bars where you can relocate the black plastic wheels. Good luck. Call me at 1-888-PHOTOBW (888-746-8629) and I might be able to walk you through it. Don Hodgdon Silver Lab Los Angeles, CA

-- Donald P. Hodgdon Sr. (, January 11, 2000.

I just fixed the problem. Don Hodgdon provided the solution to the problem--one he has obviously seen a few times before. Thanks Don, and everyone else who offered their help.

-- Benjamin Williamson (, January 11, 2000.

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