Booter spotted in Exile : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

At 1943 , Jan 10, 2000, Someone wearing a Mega av with a hacker type name with BAD NEWS in the middle of the name booted Laighe and me. I activated Nuke Nabber. I stayed in the room and put him on ifnore. after a minute or two he left. Anyone able to tellme how to inform on this child with the data I collected?

-- orpheus6 (, January 10, 2000


well crud orpheus I got booted - had on my Nukenabber and it didn't even give me a noise or anything... i'm just gonna hide out for safety

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 10, 2000.

LOL! sorry...but it's kind of funny. bad news isnt usually so bad. he hangs out pretty regularly in exile. gave me some urls for programs once and told me how to get the weird writing for my id. he might have booted you last night...but i really doubt he's the problem booter of late. terrible time for him to do that go ahead and turn him in...but i'd keep the nukenabber on anyway. anybody really think the boots will keep up after we all have the nabber program? i doubt it. anybody smart enough to track laighe and me down probably isnt stupid enough to keep it up. i wasnt booted yesterday at all. whew. but then i didnt talk with joe in the same room either. good luck. p.s. locate on host joe and ask one of them?

-- simplysweet (, January 11, 2000.

Last night I was directly threatened to be booted by a person known in vplace\exile. Apparently he thought no one would notice when I was alone in another room at a specific moment when the other avatar left for a break. It isn't a joke to threaten me directly that he has the power to boot me off vplaces. If this was not assaultive, it was certainly unkind and hostile, and not the kind of interaction we need in our communities in exile or in vplaces. Anyone who wants to know who it was, send me your email and I will tell you. Peace, Sibil

-- sib (, January 14, 2000.

Laighe, if the port listener didn't pick anything up, then it wasn't a boot from a program in VP. It may have been your TCP/IP connection losing connectivity with Excite. Could have been anything. Hang in there. Don't hide! (at least, not from little old me! heeee!)

-- Editrix (, January 14, 2000.

Sib -- sorry to hear that. Let me know and I'll try talking to him/her privately. My best guess is that someone has the program, but I don't think they'd use it on us as a regular action. I'll bet it's just someone who feels somewhat "empowered" knowing they have a boot program (heck, we could all have one -- it's widely available if you look around) and wanted to boast a little. They know we don't think kindly of doing it to all and sundry, especially fellow Exilers.

On the other hand, there are people in other rooms I wouldn't mind seeing booted. Heh. (Thinking of the idiots who stalk the African American room and scream racist remarks.) Maybe we can redirect said person to go out and play with the idiots who need a reminder that being human beings online is a good thing?

-- Editrix (, January 14, 2000.

sibil - I e-mailed you, from work this morning, at your other address but so far you haven't answered me. I'll try the one in your posting next. Editrix - I'm discovering that I only get the boot, now, when I'm in Exile. I can go to other rooms with no problem. I'm beginning to think someone has it in for Exilers in particular! waaaaa... Are any of you getting weird boots in other other rooms? Also, some people have a program that will boot you if you try to read their ID information. Sheesh!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 14, 2000.

Right after I posted that last message I got a nibble on my NukeNabber. I have an address now and I'm going to do my best to see to it that the person responsible is reported to everyone that needs to know about it!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 14, 2000.

not one boot since i left exile. good luck.

-- simply something or other (, January 15, 2000.

I had another one, noelle, at 2:40 this morning so hang in there. I may catch them yet! Got to go get some sleep now... LOLOL

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 15, 2000.

I don't think leaving Exile is the answer, since if that's what the booter wants, it means he/she ~wins~.

I'll be sorry to see people leave, but if they feel they must, then fare-thee-well, and I hope you'll stop by now and again.

Booter will get tired of the game. Really. They always do.

BTW, Laighe is catching nibbles when not using VP. So it's not necessarily someone in VP, folks. Or we have two -- one nuking down IP dialups, and one in VP. Either way, the port listener will grab IP numbers when it's done, if it's really a boot program and not the client server hiccuping.

-- Editrix (, January 15, 2000.

I'm conviced it is BOTAR!!!!! he is trying to assimulate us...NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO.....just joking there my little green buddy.Maybe we should call on Botar's services to catch this jerk! I wish I knew what I could do to help?...But keep up the hunt!(GO "O" GO)

-- Da' wash (, January 19, 2000.

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