"They may be "non-related Y2K events," but preparation just in case is still prudent!" --

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

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Link They may be "non-related Y2K events," but preparation just in case is still prudent! By Susan Conniry

January 10, 2000 My own post-Y2K experiences are similar to those of Chuck Lanza in regards to the many kudos and handshakes all around.

As the New Year dawned and Y2K was being declared a "non-event" by the local press, I was amazed and delighted to find that my email message box was full of positive comments like these from Jim (by his own admission, a "technology geek") from Poway, California, "Though there are many folks still on call to monitor their company's systems and no matter what various feelings exist about the continuing disaster potential of Y2K, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will soon be able to breathe a huge collective sigh of relief. In any case, I feel I'm anchored in enough places to weather all but the most extreme scenarios. I want to thank you and Tom for that. I am well versed in the technical reasons for not fearing Y2K, but the psychological and social implications of this period when our own technology has appeared to blow up in our hands presents some unnerving non-technical challenges. And the ability to take control of one's own well being in the face of such circumstances is not easily grasped by folks who have spent a lifetime cultivating weaknesses that are shored up by a reliance on the trappings of modern civilization. Acquiring some sense of that ability is a gift you've given to my wife and we appreciate the effort you put in to make your special knowledge available so readily and unselfishly." From all who contacted me the indication was that although the world had not come to an end, all believed that the planning they had made had certainly not been fruitless, rather that prudent preparation had given them the ability to "weather the storm" in a relatively calm fashion. The local hospital sent a message immediately on January 1, 2000 accompanied with a gift certificate for redemption at a local restaurant! So pleased are they that all was well, that they felt a need to provide us with a gift for the services we had donated throughout the year. From the city of Poway, we received notification from the Fire Chief that all was well and that "they couldn't have done it without us." Many readers of this column also took the time in the first moments of the New Year to thank me. Appreciation was apparent. Not a single, solitary sign of any "hate-mail" though I had received my share during the months leading up to the rollover.

So, where do I go from here? I had hoped that the need for "Tips of the Week" would continue but perhaps John Yellig, editor is correct when he advised me: " Right now I'm not sure how long the site will stay up, seeing as how there have been so few problems. As for survival articles, I don't think anyone will be interested in them, seeing as how Y2K has been so anticlimactic." When you consider "survival tips" only in regards to weathering a "Y2K Storm," that assumption probably has some merit, but as I explained when I began writing for Westergaard, Y2K was only a drop in the bucket in terms of the necessity for emergency preparations. We live in an extremely volatile environment, one that will always pose the possibility of natural disasters. And lest we forget, our dependence on technology still leaves us in a very vulnerable position, if parts of the system fail. If the umbilical cord is cut, for any reason, although as the press has conveniently convinced us, none of those failures will be "Y2K related," let me just assure you that being prudently prepared for those non-Y2K failures deserves even more attention.

The knowledge of "survival" skills and disaster preparation is the best insurance you can have. It can be utilized at any time, in any environment and it can never be taken from you.

Additional articles will be posted on my web site: http://members.home.net/shadow-scout/ and I plan to write a book this year dealing with how to combine urban and wilderness living -- a way to live in both worlds and reap the benefits.

Once again, may I say thank you to you all! It has indeed been a pleasure to share so much with so many! I have been rewarded many times over for my effort.

Shelter, water, fire and food are your needs. All the rest are wants.

-- snooze button (alarmclock_2000@yahoo.com), January 13, 2000

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