PhotoSmart Scanner software : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I'm not sure how many people know about this product already but yesterday I found the best software yet for the original HP S10 Photosmart. The HP software is awful and this software is MUCH more powerful, and produces the best results I've gotten yet with the scanner, much better than the HP and Vuescan stuff. Its also easy to use and supports batch scanning, Yahoo! chech it out at:
-- Cris Daniels (, January 15, 2000
Looks nice - I hope they eventually offer it for the S20!
Perhaps I'm in the minority but...
I thought the SCSI Photosmart software was OK (not great, but useful and functional). I loath the S-20 software. I'm not a fan of VueScan because it doesn't offer an image to view - and looks just a little too geeky (kinda like a battleship with buttons).
-- Dan Desjardins (, January 15, 2000.
Actually the best scanning software that I found for the photosmart scanner was this software at this site. It is called ps32. ( This software has minimal adjustments. You have to use you image editor to adjust the images, however this program has the least shadow noise at least with slides that I have tried. A close second is the vuesmart software saved at 48 bit tif. You need an image editor that can handle 16 bit tiff files to take full advantage of the scanning software
-- jonathan ratzlaff (, January 15, 2000.