Do you recommend this Forum to your friends? : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I read from someone about being "embarrassed" to tell folks about this Forum sometimes, based on some of the positions (or dispositions) of its participants. And I knew how he felt. Then something happened today that really blew me away!

A new couple, about to become members, took my family out to lunch today. The wife casually asked me a question about one of the threads in the Forum.

I had no idea ANYONE else in our congregation was reading this forum!

"Oh yes," she confessed, "I am like a sponge. I have learned a lot!"

I was very pleasantly surprised. (By the way, Cynthia, since you'll probably read this too, thanks for lunch!).

They are from a denominational background, and are very appreciative of all (yes, ALL) of the give-and-take that goes on in here. I quizzed her a little: She EVEN reads ALL of Saffold's posts! She especially mentioned "Private Baptisms" (they are getting ready to be immersed in their new pool) and "Help Answer This Believer's questions!" She also asked, "Who IS this 'Nelta'?"

My point--maybe we are missing out by not telling more people about this Forum. Yes, sometimes it gets a little heated, and "petty" perhaps, but all in all things are said in here, and in such a way, that we may not be able (or want!) to say in person. All honest and sincere seekers of truth WILL be sure to check EVERYTHING said by God's Word.

Our disposition may sometimes need fine-tuning. But our position, if planted firmly on God's truth, will encourage other people to grow in Christ--people from around the globe to folks right here in our own congregations.

There is room for everyone in this Forum--from Danny to Nelta and everyone in-between. I ask that no changes be made, except that we agree to continue to respect each other, even when we firmly, (and yes, even sarcastically and humorously!), disagree.

Tell folks in your congregation and community about this Forum!

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2000


Under no circumstance have I ever been ashamed to recommend this forum. I have recommeded it quite often to my elders to keep abreast of current thinking in the brotherhood and American culture.

In fact, it has been a helpful teaching aid to me.

When I teach various classes.....I point out that people believe this.....or preachers in our brotherhood are saying this or that.....and they look at me as if to say...."Get out of here....people don't really feel that way."

Then....I refer them to the forum.

What an eye opener for them......then......they know I'm not pulling their leg.

This place works for me.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2000

I took Danny's lead and sent the address to many of the leaders within our congregation as well as many leaders in surrounding congregations. I am very thankful for the Forum and its ability to sharpen intellectually. Thanks to all who participate!

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2000

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