New tomatoe board : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Brand new board on onelist for those interested in any aspect of tomatoes go to and sign up for the TomatoFanatics board. Tell your gardening friends! Sue

PS I'm not the list owner or moderator just want to get lots of folks with tomatoe ideas and passsions for great discussions

-- Sue Landress (, January 17, 2000


Somehow typing in that site brings me to the Yahoo site and even though I typed in the Tomato fanatics into the search engine, I am still lost. What specifically is the direct route, the http:// so that I can type that in on my location bar and go directly to the board you have mentioned. Thank you. I located a board that contained tomatoes in all the recipes, but that is not what you must mean since you say "Tell your gardening friends." Again, thank you.

-- Heather Danielson (, March 12, 2001.

Skip the need to answer...I went back and kept trying and found it. Thanks.

-- Heather (, March 12, 2001.

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