CoolScan 2000 stack loader : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I would like to hear from anyone who has personal experience with the LS-2000 stack loader. I have a bunch of slides to scan and would like to know if this gadget works, jams, or what.

Also I would like to get feedback on the slide strip attachment and if this works well.

Does anybody else make a stack load slide or long strip scanner?


-- Richard Sutton (, January 20, 2000


If you're referring to the Nikon SF-200, we've noticed that it often halts/jams (once per 50 slide load). We have plastic mounted slides and it will try to feed 2 at a time. Cardboard mounts may be better (they are a little heavier.) But, our LS-2000 suffers from the dreaded "Locking screw error" which it has now done twice (unrelated to the stack feeder). It will simply stop scanning with this error and you have no choice but, to ship the scanner back to Nikon (see their tech support forum). I am considering other scanners at this point.

-- Miguel J. Farolan (, January 25, 2000.

Thankks for the response. I had heard that this adapter (SF-200) had problems with cardboard mounts and tended to do better with plastic.

The dreaded lockup error is news to me. I will check tech forum.

Anybody know of an alternative scanner of equal quality with a stack loader that is more trouble free?



-- Richard N. Sutton (, January 25, 2000.

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