Why is Outlook all of a sudden today saying it is 2-11-99 ???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Just went into "deleted file" to recapture an item.

When I was in the deleted file as struggled to find the deleted customer file due to the fact that it was listed as deleted on 2-11-99 As I looked for other deleted dates it seems to have started with todays date. Any Comments?? anyone else using OUTLOOK check it out and let me know please!

-- d........... (dciinc@aol.com), January 21, 2000


I use outlook 2000 and it is working fine. Others at my company using outlook 98 also fine. It is either your desktop or server that is producing the date problems.

-- Dave (dave@nospam.pls), January 21, 2000.

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