(SF) big april trip.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Team SF : One Thread

i would like to plan a big team trip to vegas in april. by "big", i mean having lots of us in town at the same time. seeing as this is only january, that gives us all a lot of time to make plans around such a trip. let's start investigating availability. what dates work for you?

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2000


big april trip

I'm going to try and get out to LV either Thurs. 4/27 or Fri. 4/28 until that Sun. 30th.

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2000

April Trip

Right now I am wide open. The weekends are all good---the weekdays might change due to work conditions. I think all (or most) of us together would be great for a number of reasons. But we should not be seen together in public as you well know Rob.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

(DJ) Vegas In April

I am good for April starting the 20th. I don't want to take more than 2 days off work, so I need to make a 2 day weekend part of the trip. That means I could work a trip that centered around the weekends of 22/23 or 29/30. Rick's idea of starting the 27th would be great.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2000

"The situation is fluid" (ES)

My favorite euphemism for "I'm up shit creek without a paddle."

My new contract is chaotic; major revisions in what I am supposed to do happen every few days. There is no way for me to plan for next weekend, much less April, until things settle down -- if they ever do.

I would like to go, however.


-- Anonymous, January 23, 2000

Would most likely go in April, but need to know exact dates soon...I may very well spend a week as a birthday present to me! I want to point out that the weekend of the 21st is Easter. May be able to get free time share at Jockey Club if anyone is interested.


-- Anonymous, February 02, 2000

i think it is safe to say that there will be no "big april trip" at this point.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

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