UPDATE a bone for those Doomers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

A Shocking Twist To NASA "Secret Meeting" With Russians...01/22/00 Mitch Battros (ECTV)

I had received a few very interesting emails regarding this event. It had appeared there was more to the story related to this article of the release (leak) of a secret meeting between NASA and Russian space experts. Perhaps it was more than a nice cordial visit between two super powers sharing space technology. It was stated "a first question one might ask is why secret and from whom? Is it China, is it Japan, is it Iraq or Iran? Maybe it is not a country to keep the secret from, but rather people." Well this got my attention.

Then I received an email from the author of the article who is a writer for UPI and MUCH MUCH more. His name is Jim Oberg. Below is the email he sent me.

----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 4:22 PM Subject: for mitch

Just saw your version of my UPI piece on the Russ-NASA Mars meeting. Boy are you looney-tune! Thanks for the chuckles...

JimO www.jamesoberg.com

Fair enough. Every person has their right to an opinion. Since he left his web site address, I guess he wanted me to take a look. I had no idea what I would stumble into. This guy works for NASA as a contractor and is held by DoD (Department of Defense) secret "need to know" protocol. If my suspicion meter was high before, it is now Off The Chart.

Unfortunately, Mr. Oberg likes "Frames" on his site so you will have to do some slight road work. Go to : http://www.jamesoberg.com then go to Space Age Myths and Legends page. Then go "Larry King Live Transcripts" to read the Larry King interview. You may also want to go to Russian Space & Military and read his testimony to Congress.

After reading parts of his web site, I think you will agree, this guy is anything but non-bias. Talk about agendas!

Mitch Battros Producer - Earth Changes TV

-- (Alien@Mars.com), January 23, 2000


hmmm...maybe there is something to "Alternative 3" after all... (ooowweeeoooo...muuuhhahahaaa) :)

-- chairborne commando (what-me-worry@armageddon.com), January 23, 2000.

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