Have you ever met people from the Internet?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Jan : One Thread

I sure have. And it's turned out to be a barrel o' fun, every time. How about you? Ever met anybody from the 'net? How'd it work out?

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000


Yes :)I dont think weve ever had a bad time. all round good fun/ppl :)

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

Not yet. But soon, very soon. I discovered an online friend lives very very close to me. I'm excited. One of us just has to get off our lazy butts and travel the 5 minutes.

Yeah, that's right. 5 minutes. Lazy us. But it's cold outside!

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

Yes, I've met people from the internet. This summer, a friend from England visited Canada with his family.. and we met. Of course, his family didn't know we were net.pals, so we had to make up this lame-obvious-lie-kinda-deal, where we went to university together in England, and met while living in the dorms, and blah blah blah.. I guess I was there, doing some exchange-kinda thing, working on my biology degree (heh.. whatever) and since we're only like 6 years diff in age, and he's still in school and I work, this story was OH SO BELIEVABLE.. but i have to admit i had fun lying to a family other than mine for once..

But I have to agree with Jan.. in every case (okay, except one), the experience was great. :) It's not nearly as scary as you expect it to be the first time!

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

I never met anyone from the internet, ever. Who would do such a thing?! they're all a bunch of psychopath killers, I swear!

I've met upwards of 80 people from the internet, I've let men I've never seen before, come to my apartment while I was alone. (Luckily, two REALLY nice guys) I've met some of my bestest friends... Only once or twice did I think I was going to get raped or pillaged. It's mostly lots o' fun :)

I've even met McB ... she was one of the first people I ever met.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2000

no, i have never met anyone on the internet in my entire life and can not for the life of me think of why anyone in their right mind would contrubute to such nonsense.

hehe :-)

hi every 1 !

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2000

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