Help with Flashpath and Olympus D-450 Zoom : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Help.... I have jusy spent $700.00 on a camera I can't figure out. Bought the Olympus D-450 Zoom "on line" and no one at the place I purchased knows anything...Also purchased an 8mb chip and Flashpath for floppy. I can not figure out how to down load pictures from the Flashpath to my Adobe "Olympus" Photodeluxe. There are NO instructions with my camera nor the Flashpath.I really do not want to connect my camera to the computer every time I download pictures...Is there any body out there ???????????????????? HELP.

-- David Hatcher (, January 24, 2000


Ok, I am not an expert in this field. However, I can offer a few suggestion. First you said you did not get any instructions with the camera? Are you aware that you need to format the Smart Media card(s) first? If not, that may be your whole problem. Another suggestion, the online review suggests that you buy Rechargable Batteries NiMh. Another suggestion not listed there is to get a Smart Media Card reader. If you have a newer computer with USB, get the USB version. You will find file transfers to be a lot quicker.


-- David Erskine (, January 24, 2000.

I have sold the Flashpath setup to some customers and for some reason Olympus didn't have the drivers packaged with the Flashpath unit. Even though the Flashpath is simply a Smartmedia Floppy adapter, you MUST have the driver loaded that came on the floppy disk. I've found that some of the packages we recieved had no driver disk. You absolutely cannot use the adapter without the driver or the floppy drive will insist there is nothing there, load the driver disk and you'll then get the folder on your a: drive which has all your pictures in it. If you don't have the driver go to the Olympus website and get it. Unless you simply have a defective unit that will end your troubles. By the way it works great and I'm in no way knocking Olympus, it's just the way I've seen it with customers. Also you will need the floppy driver disk if you take the camera to a friends house or a laptop as the driver for the Flashpath must be loaded on every machine you will use it on. Hope that helps...

-- Cris Daniels (, January 26, 2000.

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