Northeast GA office building security failure due to y2k - ironic : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Well, I just heard about a glitch locally here in GA: a security system completely failed in an office building here at the rollover, leaving the doors completely unlocked. The only way they could get the building to lock was to roll the dates back; however, there are complications with this procedure in that building and they will have to fix or replace the system in the long run.

What is ironic and hysterically funny about this is that it happened in the building of my videographer--yes, the one who did a "small business and y2k" video for me, a video that I ended up giving away. But wait, there's more: we actually shot some of the office scenes in that building, where we specifically mentioned possible security system lapses. And of course, while they were gracious to let us film there, they let us know that they thought we were a bit daft to be concerned about such a thing like y2k. Maybe we weren't so daft?!? My videographer and I roared with laughter today!!

-- Bud Hamilton (, January 28, 2000


Talk about sychronism.... You both trusted your intuitions to produce the Y2k film and BOOM* - the event happened. Amazing! Not so daft after all. heh heh

-- Lee Maloney (, January 28, 2000.

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