can or can4t play cd r or cd rw on the dvp 525d sony : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

can or can4t play cd-r vcd the dvp-525 d sony

-- Vitor Tomi (, January 30, 2000



i have the same problem im just wondering if you have found out why

kind regards

w goodwin

-- wayne goodwin (, July 26, 2002.

Look at your Sony manual. My friend got a Sony DVD player, I forgot which model. It won't play the VCD movies that I dup for him in either CDR nor CDRW. He complained to me and I took at look at the Sony manual. In the 2nd or 3rd page, it lists all the media that it will play. You know what, it says NO CDR or CDRW. My experience is that, cheap DVD player from China, without all those fancy features in the brand name ones, tends to play almost any thing. I think the logic is that movies in china are availble in all kinds of formats, unlike US which sells DVD and DVD only, and only versatile DVD players sell there.

-- Guess Who (, August 02, 2002.

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