my sony dvp 525d won4t read cd r why? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

can or can4t?

-- vitor tome (, January 30, 2000


Wait a minute! You are the same person who post more than 3 threads about Sony 525dvd player with dif. names with the same problem?

-- Francis Batista (, January 30, 2000.

Sony's will NOT play CD-R. I am going to take a CD-RW today and give it a try as I've heard they will them....Let you know later today

-- Al McCraw (, January 31, 2000.

and it does4nt workc with cd rw either(it says error c13 on screen)

-- vitor tome (tome rcpf, January 31, 2000.

Is there a way to crack this check. To allow Sony 525 to read CDR ?

thks for all your work guys


PS:you could response directly by email.

-- Lestat (, February 15, 2001.

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