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if i combine 2 first generation monsters what generstion will the child be?

-- Master Pabs (the_guy_man@hotmail.com), February 01, 2000


According to my grade 1 teacher (I love you Ms. Monroe) I would have to say it would be a second generation monster.

-- John Johnson (ltdoesntmatterwhatmynameis@yahoo.com), February 01, 2000.

Yes a second generation. So 1+1=2 2+2=3 3+3=4. So in order to get a third generation monster you must raise 6 monsters.

-- The Man (djedmond@pinenet.com), February 01, 2000.

so if i combine a first and a second gen what makes the offspring?

-- tjmax (tjmax@tnweb.com), February 02, 2000.

Technically 1.5 generation. I call it first generation though. You didn't move up a generation, and it isn't a second generation or third so I just say it is a first generation. Basically since it wasn't an actual change 1+1=2(that is a change in generation) then it is still first. 2+3=2. You get what I'm saying.

-- The Man (djedmond@pinenet.com), February 02, 2000.

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