Choosing the best camera for watches. : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need input on choosing the best digital camera/lens for close up photography of watches.We currently use a 35mm Olympus Om1 with a macro lens and scanner.Price is not an issue,I need the best available.My site is,we have over 90 fine watches pictured. Thanks Paul

-- Paul Duggan (, February 02, 2000


Paul - Nice web site. A real nice selection of watches. I am a frequent visitor of forum. A lot of those folks use the Nikon Coolpix 950 and the Olympus C2000Z, prices around $800- $900.These cameras have over 2mega pixels. The internet won't support this high resolution, therefore a high priced digital camera for internet use is like driving a high performance sports car in the city, you'll never realize it's full potential. I am just a novice, but from what I have gathered, a quality 35mm film camera will allow better picture quality for other applications such as portrait. Just something to ponder. Good luck!

-- David Eimers (, February 02, 2000.

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