How do I make my viewer the default? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have this new imaging software called Gazo ( and Id like to make it so if I click on a jpg image in windows explorer Gazo will open the picture. As it is, anytime I click on a jpg it opens up in Windows Internet Explorer browser- Nooo T-h-a-n-k-s. How do I disable this? AL

-- Alicia Lyons (, February 08, 2000


Alicia, you need to change the Windows file association. To do this while in Windows Explorer, highlight any .jpg filename. Hold down the shift key and right click on the filename. A window will open. Go down the list and click on "Open with...". Another window will open. Scroll down the list of programs, and click on the icon and program name you want to use for .jpg files. That is Gazo in your case. Also, check the box indicating that you wish to always use this program for this type of file. you will see this box below the list of programs. Click on OK, and you are done.

-- Steve (, February 08, 2000.

How are you enjoying the Gazo software? I am using it to catalogue year book pictures for my sons middle school. So far so good. But just making simple albums with text. I had to answer this question right off the bat so I am familiar with the answer. Steve is right about the IE side but if you want you can set it in Gazo too. Its is located in SETTINGS, EXTENSIONS. Then just click on all the different extension types, jpeg, gif and tif that you want the program to open. Theres always a few ways to do things and thats where I find computers get complex sometimes. If you have any other questions about gazomania email me Ill be happy to try to answer them for you. Tina

-- Tina Cerone (, February 19, 2000.

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