Burned failed with NERO 4075

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Just started making VCD's. I've been encoding my avi's with Xing's Encoder. I made my first VCD using ADAPTEC 3.5 and tried to make my second with NERO 4.075 at 2x and 4x. Each time I get a "burned failed" message followed by numbers like this (28:24.20). I haven't found anything anywhere about people having problems with the software. Anybody know whats wrong?

-- may (mlea@uswest.net), February 08, 2000


Have you checked the Nero site for compatibility of your burner and or perhaps downloaded an updated driver for it.

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 08, 2000.

May, upgrade this version to and see if it resolves your problem. I had and when i burned my VCD, it didn't said that the burn failed, but the disc was unusable by both the PC VCD player, window media player, and my stand alone DVD player. When i upgraded to, this problem disappeared and the disc played fine.

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), February 09, 2000.

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