OT: U.S. operation building up in Costa Rica

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

On the top of J. Orlin Grabbe's page is a map of Costa Rica and neighboring countries.

The caption below the map alleges that a covert op. is building up in Costa Rica and is targeted against the Panama Canal. Please see the link below.

I can find nothing else on Grabbe's site to support his contention. Have we been hearing about U.S. troop buildups in those Central American countries, allegedly targeting drug production and shipping? Yes. Would I be surprised if the CIA were involved? Not really.

What I find most interesting is the bald assertion that Stansfield Turner's presence was linked to that operation. Turner, of course, is an ex CIA Direcor. I can certainly understand why no support could be offered for that assertion.

Perhaps pertinent is that someone I know was at a meeting with other ex-military types late last Fall. He came back with reports from active-duty military who (supposedly) were just back from the Zone about huge (brigade-sized) numbers of (to him) obviously-Chinese-military troops pouring into the Zone, all in civilian clothing.

Comments? More information?

"Panama Canal Op"

-- Redeye in Ohio (cannot@work.com), February 09, 2000


I've heard the same thing about Chinese flooding that area. Also some in Canada above the normal numbers as well. Pre-positioning for August perhaps.

-- Hokie (Hokie_@hotmail.com), February 09, 2000.


Drawing a blank (which for me is nothing new!) on your August comeback. Care to give me a hint?

-- Redeye in Ohio (cannot@work.com), February 09, 2000.

Hokie - i`m with Redeye on this. what about august? i think i have missed something. also thanks Redeye, had`t heard about this one. but not surprised. don`t suppose all this internet jamming going on has anything to do with china`s military ops to use sabatoge to create havoc prior to any overt action? there is to be an FBI press conference at 2 pm today on this issue of hacking the internet. stay tuned.

-- mutter (murmur@ya.com), February 09, 2000.

Tough call. I'll research it, although I know one of my bro's in XX Group SF (I won't say due to OPSEC) from XXXXXX is deploying to P.Rico for some "waterborne insertion training"

Makes sense now. This is straight intel. About two weeks of trainiong from what I understand. I'll get on the LL and see if there's any other word from any of my other old network who've heard anything.

-- Billy Boy (Rakkasan101st@Aol.com), February 09, 2000.

Perhaps I'm missing something. Are we discussing strategic matters related to our national security? Is there any concern about increasing our jeopardy here, or...are we past that threshhold?

-- I.M. Benedict (prayingdown@theriver.com), February 09, 2000.

Hey...I don't know anything about military buildup in CR, but I DO KNOW COSTA RICA. In fact I own property just west of Liberia at the beach. If...a very big if....there is a military buildup, it would be at Liberia even tho its a long way from Panama. However, its the only airport that can land large jets outside the city of San Jose. It only recently got its FAA approval and to my knowledge there are two flts per week out of Miami into Liberia. Liberia is an small town as far as towns go. If you count all the outlying ranchers and their cows, the population is about 23000. The airport is out of town quite a ways to the west. But we are not talking jungle where you could hide anything. We are talking rolling hills of sparse grass and few trees. This area is cattle ranch country and is very dry and eaten off this time of year. Think Southern Arizona without cactus. It has green grass only in the wet season of summer. So hiding anything like troops would not be possible. There is only one highway headed south for the Panamanian border and thats the Inter American or what we gringos call the Pan American Highway. IN CR it is but a very winding two lane highway that is chock full of pot holes. It heads SE into the capital city of San JOse then goes down the mtn (San Jose is about 7500 ft in elevation) through the center of the country and then a little to the west where it goes to Golfito. Now, at Golfito you are talking jungle and you could hide another nation on the NE side of that large bay. From there the highway heads down into Panama. You are at least 20 hrs of steady driving to get down into Panama. And there is no way in hell you could hide troops and vechicles. The other route is a dirt road that goes along the coast that would take you several days to traverse and half the time its washed out. And lots of little beach villages to go through plus coconut plantations. Unfortunately my friends in Liberia don't have a computer, or even a phone, or I would ask. I am going to forward this thread to a friend, an American, who lives in San Jose and ask if he has heard of anything. But with the fact that we have given the canal to Panama and the Chinese owning the property at both ends, is enuff reason to get our pantys in a twist, if ever there was one. CR is very pro Yankee and God help the Yank that goes down there and bad mouthes Reagan or North. Those two people are heros in Central America. Taz

-- Taz (Tassi123@aol.com), February 09, 2000.

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