where to get Karaoke lyric overlay software...?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello all;

I am looking for a Karaoke lyric overlay software which I can make my own Karaoke on my own video for the fair price. I saw the www.vni.com site they sell this software and it very cool but it is very expensive to buy. I just want to do for fun so I don't want to spend $2500.00 on the software. If anyone where to get for a good price please let me know, thanks in advance....

-- Todd (vanna@webcombo.net), February 11, 2000



bernclare.com sells similar software for $800.00. They also have a demo version that you can try it out.



-- Sam (isan007@hotmail.com), February 12, 2001.

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