joe90 moments : LUSENET : It's All About Joe 90: The Discussion Board : One Thread

warning: spastic small-group post..... hi!!!! it's me...chrisnotseefried, and i'm at kristin-san's house!!! there's a cute kitty on the table keeping us company ( kitties are all alone) but this is so cool!!! i'm in FREAKIN PENNSYLVANIA!!! and guess what? we already had 2 (count'em - two) joe90 moments! this is gonna be a great weekend - multiple moments and it's only the first night! kristin's house is really cool..i like it a lot. you would too, i'm sure. well, here's the magic hostess to tell you more about the 'moments'........(see you all soon!) omg! the posting pressure!! i've never done a group post before. what if i don't feel like talking? huh? ok, so the two joe90 moments. . . the first was a commercial for the cd and show on the radio on the way home from the airport. and then a friend of mine called to tell me that there was an article about joe90 in the weekend section of the post gazette. so we immediately ran out to get a copy. (and didn't get home again for 3 hours - but that's another story.) so were the moments as magic for you as they were for us? we ate too much. . . i'm too bloated to type anymore. . . (this is chris should smell our breath, too! or maybe not...) we are full of garlic-y goodness. and i'm making chris listen to aluminum. the two aren't connected. mmm-mmm good! <------------- it's me, chris again. kristins-san has writer's block. i guess it's up to me to finish this baby! okay, this is the end for real. good bye for now. adios, amoebas (and, thanks for all your good wish posts!) ......................................

-- kristin & chris{notseefried} (, February 11, 2000

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