How to make a 800X600 Fit into a 704X480 MPEG Still? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Here is the cituation:

I want to create (using the immortal VideoPak 4.0) a VCD containing many still shot's at high resolution (which is 704X480)from a bunch of my jpeg/gif files and color negatives. The problem is, some of the files I have are 800X600 and even bigger.

Is there any way that I can resize my graphic files to 704X480 resolution WITHOUT loosing it's resolution? Perhaps a way to resize the photo and paste it onto a 704X480 matte?


-- MrVCD (, February 11, 2000


I really doubt the software you are looking for exists. Its probably better to crop the graphics than to resize. Rezising will surely lead to color distortion and affect the quality of the converted mpeg.

-- Daniel Lee (, February 13, 2000.

It is crap that you loose detail in a digital photograph provided you follow a couple of simple rules.

1) never enlarge a picture from a smaller size.

2) always start at a much larger size than your final size.

Why do you think there is consistant developement by the manufacturers of ccd's to get more and more pixels into an image.

If you scan your originals so as to get a picture 1200 pixels high, there will be no loss when you drop its size to only 480 high the information will be packed into the reduced size (laymans terms).

That picture will be better than one scanned at only the 480 height and you will loose detail if you scan lower than that.

If you use the normal media formats such as jpegs or BMP's then all of this has got very little to do with the software. Some software just makes the job easier.

I have sent you both examples off line.

-- Ross McL (, February 13, 2000.

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