R.C. Gorman print

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Exchange: A Forum for Antiques and The Arts : One Thread

In Jan. of 1986 I received a framed R.C. Gorman print called "Woman from Indian Wells". How can I tell if it is a lithograph or a print? It has been put away and never taken out of its frame. Thank you

-- Karine Anderson (lkanderson@skat.net), February 12, 2000


Response to r.c. gorman print

Karine, a lithograph is just once of several ways of making a print, others include line engraving, aquatint,etching,mezzotint,stipple and woodcuts. All leave different distinctive marks when viewed under a good magnifying glass,lithographs have the appearance of a drawing made with a soft pencil when viewed this way.

-- Mike Wilcox (appraisers@sympatico.ca), February 12, 2000.

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