PIONEER 525 CAN PLAY VCDS AT 2500 BITRATE!!!! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What a hectic day. Ok first i found out the Apex can play vcds at the 2500bitrate (read the Apex can for full method to make 2500 bit vcd). Then for the hell of it i just stuck it in my pioneer 525 player and its playing fine!!! Awesome. Unlike the Pioneer 606d which did not allow variable vcd rates, the 525 can. Just to let you know

-- Doug (, February 14, 2000


I have the pioneer 525. How do I create a higher bit rate VCDs with winoncd? I am using winoncd 3.6, and I can not get it to accept my higher rate files...

-- Wayne (, February 14, 2000.

that i couldnt help you with. i have the adapted and nti cd maker. the adaptec screws it up, but the NTI lets me make a vcd with these higher bit rates

-- Doug (, February 14, 2000.

I would just like to say to DOUG, "YOU THE MAN" i just read doug's recipe and it also worked on my pioneer 525. i first did a 2000/128 which ran perfect, then i did a 2750/128 which looked fine but the sound was a little unhappy. i will post the highest rate i can get to work flawlessly. i will be registering my NTI tomorow, it rules. this is finally the quality vcd i (and probably everyone else) have been trying to do for a long time. three cheers for doug!!!

-- madunga (, February 14, 2000.

thanks!! i did the trsting 2500 is the highest you can get without it screwing up the sound and or slightly the picture

-- Doug (, February 14, 2000.

what about the max bit rate for other dvd players?, poor little me only owns the one player(for now), but i will be testing on the players of everyone i know very soon!

-- madunga (, February 15, 2000.

Somebody Please help me. I heard lot about NTI Software for VCD, Where I can buy this software.

Thanks, reji

-- Reji Thomas (, February 18, 2000.

go here this is their site

-- Doug (, February 18, 2000.

I also worked on my pioneer 525would just like to say to YOU THE MAi will be testing on the players of everyone i know very soon!

Njust read doug's recipe and it

-- khalid izhar (, June 09, 2001.

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