Book or best way to learn digital : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I am a photography buff from way back but I'm having trouble translating my knowledge to digital concepts. I think this form and website are terrific. I've learned so much. But I've also gotten overwhelmed. Is there a really good book or website out there that goes through the basic concepts in a orderly, step-by-step way. How about the new book (something about "Solutions")that I read about here. Is it worth the money? Thanks
-- Judith King (, February 15, 2000
I like the short free courses on NYI of Photography. I would also like to take their home correspondence course, but have not been able to spring for the money even tho it comes with a copy of photo photoshop. They even teach you how to use it! You can find a link for the NYI on my website.
-- dave clark (, February 16, 2000.