ARTICLE: MINOX Enlarger Illumination System : LUSENET : AMPP : One Thread

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000


I am using A Dr. Fischer 6v 3A Bulb in my Type 2201 Minox enlarger with good results. I find that I had to put a ND.6 filter in to get slower exposure times. (with out ND.6 on low switch 2-4 sec: to fast!) I put the filter on the back of the condenser ring under the lens so I wouldn't degrade the lens in any way. heat seams minimal. Anyone have other thoughts?

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000

I have a Dr. Fischer 6V 5A lamp, tried it on Minox enlarger II, it is workable, but not as even as the 6V6A bulb.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000

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