Olympus C-2500L/FL-40 Heads Up!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

The C-2500L camera body does not appear to be strong enough to support the weight of the FL-40 flash when it is mounted in the hot flash shoe. I've noticed stress flexing of the camera body, and a seam is opening in the camera body next to the hot flash shoe when the FL-40 is mounted on the camera.

Apparently, someone else has also had this problem and sent the C-2500L to Olympus for repair. They told him that it was "Impact Damage" and quoted $400 to repair it.

It looks like there may be a structural design defect in the C-2500L which will *not* allow the camera to carry the FL-40 flash on the hot shoe without serious damage to the camera.

If you're considering the use of an FL-40 with the C-2500L, this is a "Heads Up" warning about this potential problem.

-- DUTCH (flydutch@mindspring.com), February 17, 2000

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