Uveitis--is FIP likely cause?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Has anyone had experience with uveitis (inflammation in the eye, cloudy looking cornea)? I have a 9-month old indoor-only female MC from a small cattery who just developed uveitis with a temperature of 103.3. She had had no obvious injury to her eye, and her eyelids are not swollen. Our 5-year old indoor-only male MC is fine. The vet tested for FIV and FeLV--both negative. She also tested for total protein, which she said was quite high (8.9); and she recommended a full blood panel, which would include the admittedly unreliable test for FIP, which she suspects. I am heartbroken. Has anyone else had a cat with uveitis? Any comments appreciated.

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2000


Fortunately, this was a false alarm. The uveitis and fever cleared after 3 days of oral antibiotic and mild steroid/antibiotic eye drops. Full blood panel was normal and corona virus titer very low.

-- Anonymous, February 25, 2000

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