OT: Election dilemma

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This quote from columnist Greg Crosby pretty much sums things up. (Link to full article: http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/crosby.html) Of the major candidates with any shot at getting elected (Bush, McCain, Gore, Bradley): "Bradley is about the only candidate that seems to be honest and sincere in what he believes in and in what he would like to do -- its a nice change, all right -- the only problem is, I dont happen to agree with what he believes in nor in what he would like to do. "

-- Markus Archus (markus@archus.com), February 23, 2000


Bradley is about as sincere a lunatic as you can find.

-- haha (haha@haha.com), February 23, 2000.

The more I post it, the more I like it.

Bob Dole for prez.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), February 23, 2000.

Bob Grant for president. Now get off my phone!

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), February 23, 2000.

Check out Keyes...

-- Mad Monk (madmonk@hawaiian.net), February 23, 2000.

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