Virginia - Winchester Co. - Several electrical outages said to be "Non-Y2k", 1/3/00 : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

(Awaiting updates to see if these power outages were Y2k-related)

Winchester, VA

January 3, 2000

2000 Arrives with Smiles of Relief

By Annette Jones The Winchester Star We are extremely pleased that our efforts to make our mission-critical systems ready for Y2K have been successful, said Ken Jones, Allegheny Power vice president and Y2K project manager in a news release. This has been the result of a company-wide project involving teams of hundreds of employees.

In all, 80,000 employee hours were devoted to the Y2K problem at Allegheny Power. There were 1,200 Allegheny Power employees working New Years Eve, many more than on a normal weekend evening.

There were several electrical outages, according to the news release. None - including an incident in the Round Hill area - was Y2K-related.

Source: The Winchester Star, Winchester, Virginia

-- Lee Maloney (, February 26, 2000

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