Journey of the Jells Chapter 2 : LUSENET : Master Monster Rancher : One Thread


Chapter 2:A Captain Killed=A Jell Lost

Mr.Freeze? Where are you? The battle is over! The Jells were calling for thier so-called leader who had run away from a battle. Mr.Freeze came out shamefully from behind a tree. The blue Jell was now reddish. I, uh, you know,thought I saw a Ninja Kato, so, you know, I went after him. But he got away. Damn, I almost had him too! Minion was looking at him shaking his head. Scaler couldnt belive it. Gengen was looking at him, feeling sorry for him. Baxter was wondering why he was the leader of the group. Deed was asleep. They reached the other side of the mountain, the ParePare forest to their right, open territory to thier left. Straight ahead was their path. Suddenly, Scaler shoved everyone into the bushes. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR??? bellowed Mr.Freeze. Shut up, Scaler tried to quiet him. Mr.Freeze jumped out of the bush angrily. BOOOMMMM! A huge explosion, and Jell blood sprayed everywhere. They know were we are! Minion yelled. Battle! It was a long and drawn out fight between the Jells and the attacking troops, with uniforms that had a patch of Burner on and words that said: 10TH TROOP. OUTSKIRTS OF PAREPARE. It was the lowest troop in the lowest patrol with the lowest captain of all of Burners army. A couple of Jokers fell dead. This was a land without Lost Disks. A Nyankaro body tripped up Gengen, who was looking up at the sword of a Joker. Suddenly, lasers were everywere. Burners troops were looking confused for a second then fell dead. Three Hengers, an Omega, a pure Henger, and a Black Henger were fighting alongside the Jells. Only one of the army was remaining after half an hour of battling. It was the captain, a Wracky. It smiled. Do you think you will ever defeat me? I may be the lowest captain, but I will soon rise, and you are powerless against me, it said, eyes shining red. It leaped toward the Omega, knocking the Henger down, and raised the knife it carried. Say goodbye to your friend! It screamed, plunging the blade toward the poor Omega. But the Black Henger stretched over its friend, so the Wracky buried the knife deep in its heart. Then Scaler saw Deed, who had been awakened from all the screaming. He whispered to Deed, Kill him from behind. He doesnt know about you. You are our only hope! Suddenly, the Wracky screamed, and fell to the ground, dead. The Jells had paid back the Wracky, and Deed bit its neck, breaking it and killing the evil Wracky. It didnt know about Deed, as it was sleeping when they were attacked. Minion immedietly went to the side of the Black Henger, and saw that its eyes were closed in peace. The Henger and Omega were crying for thier brother. Im sorry, Minion said softly. Then he had an idea. But you can avenge his death by joining forces with us and killing Burner, whose troops killed your brother. May I ask what your names are? Im Hanger, the Henger said. This is Zimbo. What are your names? Minion introduced himself and his buddies. We each lost our own, Minion said softly. But I cant exactly say Im sorry Mr.Freeze is dead. He actually is the one who killed your brother. The troop would have passed us by with no notice if he had not jumped out. Who will be our new leader? he glanced around. Scaler laughed. I think it is a unquestiond decision that you are our new leader. Minion nodded. Then we continue our journey north. And so our Mr.Freeze-less Jells and new friends continue their journey to kill the evil Burner. Little did they know that the road would have more problems to solve, and much more casualties. What

-- JellTrainer (, February 27, 2000


Very nice Jell Trainer, nice way to put words

-- Aaron Guest (, February 27, 2000.

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