Question 27 parts b and c : LUSENET : UR General Chemistry : One Thread

I know this problem was not assigned, but i would still like to know how to do it ... I cannot get parts b and c of number 27. Please help.

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000


For Part b: dS = S@350 - S@298 We know the S@298 = 213.64 and we can calculate the dS using: dS = nCpln(T2/T1) so then we can solve for S@350.

dS = 5.994 therefore S@350 = 219.63

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

For part C: It is a similar problem with just a twist, you have to account for the pressur change in your dS calculation. This time:

dS = S@350and1.174 - S@350and1.00

dS = nRln(P2/P1) = -1.334

since we know S@350nd1.00 from part C = 219.63 just subtract the 1.334 and you get the S@350and1.174 = 218.30.

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

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