MPEGVCR makes SVCDs that look 100% worst than VCDs ! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

is anyone out there using MPEGVCR? if you disagree with my statement, Good! that means u are having more success with the program than i am, and can tell me what im doing wrong. i have been using the Panasonic encoder to convert *.VOB to standard VCDs. they look marvelous. 100% better than my dazzle. now i feed those same *.vob files into Mpegvcr, set the rez for 480x480, set the bitrate at 2500000 FIXED, or VBR with 2500000 as the max, then encode. it comes out looking like a 160x120 avi played at full screen! is it my system, or is this the result everyone has?

-- ndumu (, March 02, 2000


ndumu, ReMpeg2 can handle VOB as well. Try it out.

-- lnguyen (, March 02, 2000.

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