{new california BJ} Hate to keep posting about this... :-)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Team SF : One Thread

But we are looking at a HUGE change here. I would be willing to bet that the major bj teams are poised and ready for this California event. I mean, table limits are $1000 at Barona and Viejas, and $500 at the other casinos. I am quite certain that at least 3 out of the 4 bj teams are just drooling over this and will come in here with all barrels fully loaded on a search and destroy mission. I would say that all available means should be used to keep this from happening. Slash, burn, kill is their style, and planning to have good games available for time to come is not part of their plans.

After these teams have had their way with these games, we'll have cut cards moved up, rules made worse, and it will suck all over again. The games will probably be a "candy-store" for a week or two and then unplayable till the end of time.

How can we talk some sense into those guys? By the way, for some good info on the California games check out USA_West on BJ21.com. There is also info on Black Chip and our new secure page.

Talk to you all later...


-- Anonymous, March 05, 2000


(Rick) Be Careful

The major teams are not the only ones ready for the change. Andy Anderson is actively marketing Biometrica services. I am informed that the he has been talking to some (if not all) of the Palm Springs casinos (there are five). Don't know about Barona or Viejas. The way Andy operates is to camp out at the openings of new casinos (in this case similar concept), knowing that teams with familiar faces will be in attendance. He impresses them with his prompt identification of known Advantage Players, gets some new higher quality photos for his Biometrica book and inks the deal. In Palm Springs where there are 5 casinos, all he has to do is go door-to-door, point his finger at a few faces and it's a closer! Think you are safe because you ain't in the book? Wrong! Many an innocent has gotten caught in the crossfire and landed in the book, just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, these casinos have regulars, who are basically locals. Unknowns are looked at suspiciously. Again, don't know about Barona and/or Viejas and while they may be the best bets, I'd still be careful. Avoid playing at tables with anyone betting table max. In any event, the warning is out on the Palm Springs casinos. Don't walk into a photo session!

Regards, Rick

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2000

About being careful... (Dave)

Thanks for the heads up. Another thing... Stanford said that if they grabbed me and took me to the back room and beat me to within an inch of my life, that there is nothing I can do. The police can't do anything about it since it was on tribal land. I can't sue them. This fact alone has me concerned. Wonder if they might try to make an example out of someone and let people know, "we don't want card counters around here." I didn't worry about it in Washington so much, but Rob and I did talk about it every once in a while. Here in California, it seems there are much fewer controls.

I just may not want to play at these places after all...


-- Anonymous, March 06, 2000

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