Response to Diffuser Enlargers : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

1. make sure you also get a matching voltage stabiliser/transformer for the colour head. Also check that it allow dial-in filtration from grade 00 to 5. Some enlarger have a limited magenta range and cannot print grade 5 contrast. You may not print a lot of grade 5 contrast anyway so this may not be absolutely important. 2.check the alignment of the neg carier to the lensboard and the baseboard. Some of the old enlarger baseboard are saggy in the middle from abuse/improper storage. Check the electrical wiring. Fortunately, most of the electrical stuff is readily available. 3.Depending on what you will need the enlarger for, make sure you can get parts for it. For example, glassless masks, masks for mounted slides, lensboard for you format. Good luck!

-- Michael Lee (, March 06, 2000

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