OT...Revealed: Russia's worst war crime in Chechnya

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Revealed: Russia's worst war crime in Chechnya

Vladimir Putin is the new hero of Russian democracy, courted by Western leaders. He is also responsible for one of the most savage atrocities since the Second World War. John Sweeney is the first journalist to reach the devastated village of Katyr Yurt, where 363 people were slaughtered by Russian forces

(Follow link to the rest of the story)

-- TM (mercier7@pdnt.com), March 06, 2000


Organized crime has taken over every facet of life in Russia. Structured very much after our American Mafia, there are many crime familys that have permeated every level of government and military service. You can rest assured that the Russian Mafia is orchestrating the war on the Chechnya Republic. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING happens in Russia that they are not managing. Unlike our own Mafia, the Russian version is out in the open and in TOTAL control. They are vicious beyond your worst nightmare and have a take no un-tortured prisoners policy. Without the Mafia, Russia has no economy or organized infrastructure. They are determined to give a lasting lesson by removing the Chechnya people from the face of the earth.

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), March 06, 2000.

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