Opinion on the 8x10 Wista Field wooden camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

What is your opinion on the Wista Field double extension 8x10 camera? Good enough for a complementary camera to a 4x5 set? Is the 500 mm bellows enough? Thanks!

-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@vtx.ch), March 07, 2000


Are you sure the bellows is only 500mm? That is only 20 inches bellows draw which won't let you get to lifesize with a normal 300mm lens. Either the specs are wrong or you don't want this camera.

-- Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net), March 08, 2000.

Thanks Dan. In fact, the bellows is 550 mm.

-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@vtx.ch), March 08, 2000.

Jacques Stackson, an occasional poster to this forum has one and likes it quite a bit. You might e-mail her direct.

-- Sean yates (yatescats@yahoo.com), March 08, 2000.

Since I see my name bandied about a bit, I thought I would contribute my two cents worth to the value of the Wista 8x10. I have named mine Wilma. She is a beautiful camera, the movements are right where I want them. She makes perfect sense to me. I only have two lenses, one 240 mm and a TR convertable. The camera does not have the bellows draw to use the TR at its most telephoto. That is fine with me, most of my work is close, or straight landscape. I have not had difficulty finding accessories for the 8x10. I carry a 4x5 reducing back 5 holders, polaroid back, two lenses, a miriad of things loupe,tape measure, sandwich, water etc. I tried using the recommended Deardorf and a Kodak but they seemed to clumsy and heavy for me. When I die my kids have told me they will bury me with Wilma. Thats fine with me, I'll take her with me into the next world. Feel free to e-mail me direct, I'll answer what I can j

-- jacque staskon (jacque@cybertrails.com), March 09, 2000.

Jacque, thank you for responding "on the fly"! I rekon, your name is not easy to spell right! If I refer to Sean grammatical, you are one of those too rare woman large format photographer a contributor was recently seeking quite desperately! This adds strength to your comment on the Wista, I am not an athlete and I love to wander. In fact I saw one on the used market and wondered if I would be happy with it. Now I think I would, except perhaps for the bellows extension somewhat limited. But as I said above, the camera would be a companion for my 4x5 and therefore should not be capable of handling all situations. I might ask you more specific questions. Thanks so far. Paul

-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@vtx.ch), March 10, 2000.

If you really like the Wista, you might consider a "can", or extended lensboard for longer lenses. I have fashioned one for my 4x5 Wista that works extremely well. This might give you enough flexibility to justify buying the camera. Regards, ;^D)

-- Doremus Scudder (ScudderLandreth@compuserve.com), March 10, 2000.

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