What can't you resist?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Nayad : One Thread

I cannot resist Cadbury Creme Eggs ('tis the season) or buying books if I enter a bookstore (or if I browse amazon.com). I'm not getting into things I don't want to resist!

-- ann monroe (monroe@chorus.net), March 07, 2000


* Ditto books (working a short stroll from the famous Powells City of Books is a mixed blessing) * Bailey's Irish Cream * Playing a new music faves unto death -- lately the soundtrack to Stephen Sondheim's _Assassins_, Anonymous 4's _An English Ladymass_ , and _Can We Go Home Now_ by The Roches. Naturally this means that Elizabeth -- fan of The Cure, Talking Heads, and other influences from her Manhattan punk days -- has learned great tolerance) * Stopping to look at the stars, at least for a moment (when among friends I try to resist shifting into planetarium lecturer mode, but usually fail) * Accepting a compliment (especially from a woman) * Inserting a Groucho Marx quip when appropriate (and sometimes when not) * _It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown_ * The dogs or the cat when they want a belly rub * A new-to-me coffee that's said to be "really really good" * Recently demonstrable: The going-out-of-business clearance sale at the neighborhood video rental store * More Bailey's Irish Cream

-- Mark (mbourne@sff.net), March 08, 2000.

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