This just has to be shared with a wider audience....... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Not down to me....I copied it from the RTG board, but believe me, a lot of the Makems are bouncing over there and really abusing the author:

To the tune of the immortal My Way, I give you..

And now the end is near and so you face the Anfield curtain my friend (!!), I'll say it clear I'll state my case of which I'm certain I've watched a team that's shite I travelled each and every highway and more, much more than that I did it Reid's way.

Wins, we've had a few but then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do and saw it through without excitement I've planned each seasons course each careful game along the year and more, much more than this we did it Reid's way

Yes there were times I'm sure you knew you bit off, more than you could chew but through it all, when there was doubt you bought players, that did nowt I've watched it all and stood tall and did it Reid's way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried I've had my fill, my share of losing (you're not fucking kidding) And now, as tears subside I find it not so amusing to think I did all that and may I say "not in a nice way" Oh no, oh not us we did it Reid's way

For what is a man what has he got if not a defence, then not a lot to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels the record shows, we took the blows we did it Reids way.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

Answers didn't hold the formatting so doesn't look half as funny as it did before.

Lets Try again....if it doesn't work this time sod it!

And now the end is near and so you face the Anfield curtain my friend (!!), I'll say it clear I'll state my case of which I'm certain I've watched a team that's shite I travelled each and every highway and more, much more than that I did it Reid's way.

Wins, we've had a few but then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do and saw it through without excitement I've planned each seasons course each careful game along the year and more, much more than this we did it Reid's way

Yes there were times I'm sure you knew you bit off, more than you could chew but through it all, when there was doubt you bought players, that did nowt I've watched it all and stood tall and did it Reid's way

I've loved, I've laughed and cried I've had my fill, my share of losing (you're not fucking kidding) And now, as tears subside I find it not so amusing to think I did all that and may I say "not in a nice way" Oh no, oh not us we did it Reid's way

For what is a man what has he got if not a defence, then not a lot to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels the record shows, we took the blows we did it Reids way.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

hahahahaha. Still excellent, regardless of formatting. The karaoke bars of Sunderland I'll be buzzing.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000


And to think I was working on something special for my site and you go and put it on here!

Any way here's the link to what I did after searching all afternoon for the bloody sound clip

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000 Scratchy

Your link didn't work for me - got an "http error - 404". I'm sure it was great though.

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000


BRILLIANT MATE....ABSO-bliddy-LUTELY BRILLIANT........oh how I would love to see the Makems reacting to that.....

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

Is there supposed to be sound with that? I clicked the link and got a screen showing the first verse, but nothing else.

Still very funny though!

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2000

30 second delay between verses - that's me trying to link the words to the music - Sinatra My Way in the back ground....I'd speed the refresh rates up but you'd miss out on the sound - which you already did mind.

-- Anonymous, March 10, 2000

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