Hilton Head

greenspun.com : LUSENET : It's All About Joe 90: The Discussion Board : One Thread

Hi everyone!! I just got home from my little road trip down to Hilton Head. I had such a good time. I am so glad that I got the chance to go. The guys were so sweet and the show was amazing. I am so tired, but I want to tell you all about everything. I got into Hilton Head around noon. I found the club pretty quickly. I wasnt sure when the show was going to start, but I found out that the club opened at 9:00. So I decided to go back then. When I pulled up I saw Gary unloading stuff from the van. I got to talk to him for a minute. He told me that they were going to go on at midnight. I ended up going back to the hotel for a few hours. I was so excited to get back there. I went back at 11:00. The guys werent there and I felt more than a little weird sitting at the table by myself. The club wasnt all that full. I didnt think it would be since it was almost midnight on a Wednesday night. I would imagine that the guys would have liked a bigger audience, but I like the intimacy of the show. There was another band performing before Joe 90. I thought they were pretty good. I noticed the guys walking in the back door. Gary came over to say hi and they all ended up sitting at my tableThat was very cool. These guys are so great! We sat there watching the other band, Gary on my right and Chris on my left. How cool is that? We talked about the song they recorded for the movie and about how much fun they had with THE BOSTON GIRLS! Finally it was time for them to go on. I was so excited! I ended up sitting with these 2 girls who wanted to meet Gary. I think they let me sit there because they realized that I knew the band. Adam told me that they were going to record the show. He put the recorder in front of me and told me that it would be ok if I wanted to add commentary (which I did, but something went wrong and the show didnt get recorded) I didnt mess it up, at least I dont think I touched it. I was afraid that they would hear me singing more than Chris. The show was soooooo good!! I felt like they were in my living room playing only for me. There wasnt much of a crowd. EVERY song was wonderful. I should have written down the set list. They looked like they were having such a good time! I could tell that everyone liked them. I had fun singing along with every song! They were joking about how they were making up the set list as they were going along. So, (and this is a VERY cool moment for me) they are trying to decide what to play next and Chris says something about how they should let me decide since I drove so far to see them. Of course that put me on the spot and my mind went blank!!  I threw out a few names, Cars Go By, November Bombs and Just a Dream. After debating for a second we decided on Super Hero. That was great!! They asked me again when they were done with that.I asked for Flatline Static. That was beautiful. These guys are so great, did I say that yet? I thought the show was over when everyone walked off the stage. Chris stayed up and did Just a Dream by himself. This was amazing! There I was standing right in front of the stage watching him sing, singing along with him. I felt like I was the only one in the roomI may have beenIt was so cool!! I cant tell you how much I loved this show. I had the best time and I didnt want the night to end. I stayed for awhile. I chatted with the guys while they took down the set. What a great night! I think I ended up leaving around 3:00am. I listened to the CDs on the way home and it reminded me of what a great time I had. I know that I have more to add, but I am so sleepy. THANK YOU to Chris, Gary, Adam and Craig!!! You ROCK! I took a few pictures. I hate that camera, I dont know why I brought that one. I will take more on Sunday. I will be going to the Nashville show. I cant wait!! Good night!! erica

-- erica (comettailz@aol.com), March 09, 2000



what a wonderful, thorough review...that's what we like to see! it's so nice to see and feel it all again, vicarious as it may be. i'm glad you had such a killer time, and have a great and safe trip this weekend. i expect more when you get back!


-- aimee.* (satylite2s@aol.com), March 09, 2000.

Reachin? you did Reachin?!?!

man oh man. Watching the Dog Stars any day now, right? :) ahem.

by the way, does anyone know what Powerball is up to these days? i think if Sue and i buy enough tickets, this Portland thing could happen.

a girl can dream, can't she?

be good, kids. i'm off for a date with Mr. Bubble and Dr. Kalu-HAH (yes, it's the Philly kaluha. thank you Barb!)

p.s. i'm listening to the Warfield boot (Jill!*), and Ferris Wheel is on right now. Chris sounds so lonely "YEAH!"ing by himself.

-- aimee.* (satylite2s@aol.com), March 10, 2000.


thank you SO much for the great review :) i loved loved LOVED it***

glad you had a great time AND very glad to hear you are traveling to nashville!! yay!!

btw, you need to come northeast the next time joe90 is around here, lady! become a boston girl ;)

-- ~Jill (beezer6801@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

Erica forgot to mention a very important thing. We played Reachin for the first time in years. It was great to play and a song we may start to fit into the set often.

-- craig (craig@joe90.net), March 10, 2000.

great review, erica!! i always tell people to post long detailed reviews, but no one ever does! me included though. you are the first, and it's very fun to read :) i'm looking forward to reading about nashville too!

what the hell is reachin?? is that an "everybody" song? i dont know any names, i'm too lazy to look at the case. that cd is growing on me, but i still prefer "aluminum" i think.

and what happened to everyone on the newsgroup? alt.misc.music is dead! post, people!!!

-- kathy (countcrow1@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

thanks for such a good and detailed review erica! :)

-- jenn! (jennmcm@aol.com), March 10, 2000.


kathy, stop being so demanding. you are such a b*tch!!!! i can't take it any longer!

and yes, *reachin* is from *everybody*.

which leads me to my next topic:

i am now a fan of *everybody*!

but you all knew the day would come, didnt you?!

i like it. very much. more than ever. its very.....i dunno. but i like it :)

i helped make a Godiva kiosk today at the mall. oh fun. i talked in the voice to my manager. she stood over my shoulder and laughed. its nice to make people laugh*

-- ~Jill (beezer6801@aol.com), March 10, 2000.


kathy-as aimee would say, come over to the dark side :) yes, reachin is on everybody and it kicks ass. i'm so bummed the show didn't get recorded, but i'm glad to hear it may be worked into the set. although my favorite song of the week on everybody is MILK. (hint hint) the whole cd is just great.

popular is actually a pretty funny show. i feel the need to say that before i confess that i was watching it and did hear just a dream last night. it was wicked cool!!! (that was for chrisnotseefried) they played almost the whole song throughout 3 different scenes. and they showed the cd at the end... that's such great exposure!

i played the lottery for the first time in months today. everybody pray that i win it big and we're all going to portland to see the beatles :) and maybe i'll even buy the guys a bus.

i hope kristin made it home, i still have my doubts...i wouldn't be at all surprised to hear she went to NC!

-- sue (suebdobee@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

this is weird! jill and sue have been italicized!

great review, erica!! i think it's unanimous...we all love LONG, DETAILED reviews!!

and, craig...what a butt you are, correcting erica's post!

jill, congratulations on your raise! i sure wish *i* got to see that katie smile in person again!

i heard dana carvey do 'choppin broccoli' last night when he was hosting letterman!! it made me laugh and smile and think of the boston girls :) and chrissoseefried's cheeks :^

dalton, have a great trip to nashville. and who was the other person who was going? damn, i'm bad with names. i'm sorry you other person, but i hope you have fun, too!

kathy, i'm with you...i don't know any of the song titles from the gods child cd's either. except stone horses. (and i probably got that title wrong too.) but, i love that song. and the don't let a fart song, too. but now i have to go look for the one craig mentioned so i can be jealous of erica.

sue, you have great

-- Chris{notSeefried} (TankGrrL29@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

Thank you all for your replies...i was worried that the review wouldnt make sense because i was so tired. I dont know how you JOE 90 guys travel all the time!! Did i mention that they did Reachin? and it rocked!! They didnt do Hotel California though.... There was a guy in the audience who kept asking them to do that. i remember chris asking the guy if he knew any of their songs...and of course he didnt...and chris said that thats because we arent a cover band!! I thought it was funny!! I recently started listening to Alluminum. I LOVE IT!! And now i have lost it!! And i am going to look for it...and i am GOING to find it!!! I want to bring it down to nashville....Chris...i am the other person going to nashville.... erica

-- erica (comettailz@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

umm... thanks jill?

you're italicized too, chris, and i guess i will be too. how do you get out of that?? i wish i knew html.

i DO really like "everybody", i just don't know the names!! stone horses is really good though, and i LOVE the song that goes "i drink the poison"... what's the name of that? i actually even looked for the case so i could figure it out myself, but i couldnt find it. i think it's probably better overall than "aluminum", but "space boy" is just the best song ever and there's some other really awesome ones too, like "female elvis". "dream this" beats them both though.

i wanna go see the beatles in portland!!! only a $118 flight to there or seattle... i think i may work on this, if the rest of the tour dates ever get announced.

-- kathy (countcrow1@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

aimee writes: *man oh man. Watching the Dog Stars any day now, right? :) ahem.*

no no no. my only request for the next east coast sweep is female elvis. i have a love affair with that song, you don't even understand. i just put it on repeat on the way to school in the morning. i've been having a love affair with *everybody* tonite, though. i go through these weird stages. i have love affairs with things. 2 weeks ago it was my new pants, and now its *everybody*. i think something just clicked with that album.....something in me, right now. with everything.

do you know where YOU were a week ago right now?!

i do :).

i spent about an hour and a-half playing with my MP3 maker tonite. its pretty easy (esp since i was able to figure it out) and i am going to play with it more tomorrow. ska show tomorrow night. yay. anyways, the only drawback to my MP3 maker thingy is that it takes a bit of time.....actually, it takes a lot of time. but the denoising features are very cool. im also thinking that if i convert stuff to WAV files instead of MP3s it might be quicker, but I have to play with that tomorrow. im burnt out :P

hope everyone has fun at shows the next few days*

-- ~Jill (beezer6801@aol.com), March 10, 2000.

erica, that was a wonderful review. thank you! i love when people give lots of details. i can't wait to read your review of the nashville show.

sue wrote -"i hope kristin made it home, i still have my doubts...i wouldn't be at all surprised to hear she went to NC! "

i did make it home. it was touch and go for a while. especially when i got into my car and had to decide whether to go north or south. but my stepmother called 3 times before i left to make sure i was actually coming. i even had to swear a blood oath before she'd let me off the phone. sheesh. you'd think i hadn't been home since christmas or something. ahem.

it was a fun weekend. my dad's dog has reached adolescence. i can't remember the last time my legs have been on the receiving end of so much affection. i was a little leery about the huddling in the corner thing as a result. i decided it was best to skip it.

and i only had one slip up. when my niece asked "how do you feel?" i had to sing "it feels like something" in reply.

i was even allowed onto my dad's computer once. but only briefly. everyone wanted to see the group philly picture. the standard comment i got was "oh!! everyone looks so. . . normal!"

if only they knew.


-- kristin (mehitabelx@aol.com), March 13, 2000.

kristin-san!!! i loved your post!!! i'm glad you made it home in one piece, and that you received a little 'luvin' while you were visiting.

one question:

" everyone wanted to see the group philly picture. the standard comment i got was "oh!! everyone looks so. . . normal!" "


-- Chris{notSeefried} (TankGrrL29@aol.com), March 13, 2000.

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