photo from file to e-mail : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

i can get the photo scanned and put in a file, but when i e-mail and try to do attachments there is nothing in the file. i have tried using the manual that came with the scanner (visioneer one touch 8100) but it is not very detailed. i was wondering if i could be helped step by step on how to put the image in a file and then get it to transfer to e-mail. thank you very much.

-- PAULA PARR (firebomb22@AOL.COM), March 13, 2000


Unfortunately there isn't enough in your description to nail the problem - however I am suspicious that you may be trying to email a file that is too large. A scan of a photograph on your Visioneer using the default settings could result in a very large file. Even if it's a compressed JPG file the resolution of your scanner could well turn out a 5 to 10 megabyte file which will cause most email systems to cough up blood. You can reduce the resolution. Here's what I suggest:

This may seem simplisting - but they are the most basic steps.
Good luck Paula!


-- Dan Desjardins (, March 13, 2000.

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